In its 3rd edition, the Barometer has become a reference to evaluate sustainable procurement progress and identify levers for improvement within organizations.
Regardless of your level of experience, the Barometer helps determine your practices and positioning and identify the actions to be taken in order to progress.
Simply complete the online questionnaire between May 25 and October 23, 2020. It will take 30 to 45 minutes to complete the online questionnaire. Note, however, that preparation for the questionnaire may take longer, depending on the structure of the organization and the way in which sustainable procurement actions are tracked.
– Each respondent will receive a confidential and personalized information sheet on their performance as compared to other respondents across Canada.
– A report will be published based on the aggregated data that will be used to form a comprehensive statistical portrait.
This study follows the principles established under the Policy on Responsible Conduct in Research, Creation and Innovation at Université Laval.
700 Canadian organizations are being personally approached to participate in the Sustainable Procurement Barometer 2020. Our goal is that 200 organizations participate in the study. They will demonstrate progress and identify the practices that need to be put in place to advance sustainable procurement in Canada.
Based on the results of the study, recommendations will be presented to the government of Canada to ensure the procurement strategies of Canadian organizations contribute to the SDGs.
Sustainable procurement is a lever for achieving several of the goals adopted in 2015 by the Member States of the United Nations within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals to 2030.
In particular, it contributes to Goal 12, which deals with responsible production and consumption and aims “to do more and better with less”.
Once you have completed the survey, you will receive a media kit that provides you with the materials to showcase your leadership in our business community.
Join the group of companies dedicated to advancing and positively influencing other organizations nationwide to work together on aligning our policies and activities.
In this new edition, we bring you the Sustainable Procurement Recognition. The organizations with the most efficient practices will be showcased during the release of the 2020 Barometer.
The release of the Barometer will take place on October 29, during a virtual event where the recommendations developed based on the results will also be presented.
With an active network of partners across all parts of Canada, ECPAR has been laying the groundwork for more than 10 years, in collaboration with a hundred public and private organizations in the ecological transition field.
Mobilization and Communication partners
Research Partners
Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sustainable Development Goals Program